Secondary Schools
ASC are currently working in local secondary schools coaching squash and racketball to children. Where schools have squash courts, ASC can run a dedicated squash program to introduce the sport to the children and then encourage them to attend further lunchtime and after–school sessions. We will coach them to play with the correct technique and good tactics. We will encourage them to learn to play their own game, to enter tournaments and give opportunity to join a local squash club and introduce them to the county junior association.
ASC will also work with any secondary school to help create school–club links with squash. ASC can run taster sessions and coach students at any leisure centre that has squash courts. We will run 6–week courses for the students so that they can learn the basics of squash and play matches by the end of the course.
GCSE & A–Level P.E./Duke of Edinburgh
ASC has already helped several children gain good grades in their GSCE and A–Level P.E.. Many of the P.E. curricula states that a student must choose a primary and secondary sport to complete a project. ASC can coach students to improve their squash and then produce a video of a squash match to show the competency of the student in squash.
With the sports analysis software that ASC use, we can produce videos of matches or technique for any sport that a student needs to do a project in.
Several children have joined our squash sessions when they are required to try a new sport for their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. This has proved very successful and many have continued playing squash after the initial period.